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Meet your English teacher Sasha B!

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Sasha B

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map markerSouth Africa
user languageNative speaker
thumb up1925 positive feedbacks
students42 active students
lessons5817 lessons
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About myself
Hi! I am a qualified ESL teacher, I have experience teaching in China, at a public primary school, and kindergarten. And have taught at training centers in Vietnam. I currently still teach online for a center in Vietnam. Prior to that, I taught in SA at a school, and I taught Nia, which is a form of dance. I have taught all ages from kindergarten, Primary school, IELTS, and adults. My experience includes 6 + years of teaching, and working with children. In China, I was given the Cultural Competency Award, which is a humanitarian award, and believe that my teaching has had a significant impact on children around the world. I am open-minded, and patient and have the ability to adapt my teaching to any child of all ages, levels, backgrounds, and cultures. My superpower is that I can draw with my eyes closed. See you in my class!
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Sasha B

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map markerSouth Africa
user languageNative speaker
thumb up1925 positive feedbacks
students42 active students
lessons5817 lessons